Annie Markham is trapped in a fairy tale existence complete with a narcissistic family and a godmother, but her prince turns out to be a toad. At 19, Jake Mead was her true love until her godmother Susannah stepped in and Jake ran away. Now, seven years later, Annie's wealthy family is heading toward bankruptcy, and Susannah brings in the best consultant in England to rescue their London public relations agency. The wunderkind turns out to be Jake, who is out for revenge. Annie spends her time working, something unheard of in her family, and doing good deeds while trying to avoid Jake. Both Annie and Jake are actively seeking relationships, but their thoughts keep turning back to each other. Fun and interesting multidimensional characters populate this very charming story that proves that a prince cum toad can eventually turn back into a prince and rescue the princess from her relatives.
Of the now two modern persuasion variations that I have read (the other being Bridget Jones: Edge of Reason) I have to say that I liked this one the best. Now in this version Annie is a bit like Bridget as she is unable to fully admit her feelings for Jake (ie Cpt. Wentworth) for quite some time. The remaining characters are played to a T...and for the first time I really really like Mary who is now Victoria in this book as opposed to just being oddly fond of her ;p
The reunion at the end is very very sweet and the reason for the initial parting is so totally "oh if only you'd talked to each other" it was all in all a very sweet book and I am very glad that I bought it! I do so recommend it!
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